16 oz ionic minerals

This 16 oz. bottle contains a concentration solution of all the minerals and trace-minerals in the proper size and the proper proportion for the repair and the maintenance of the human body, and the animals. 

The recommended dosage is 1 teaspoon per gallon. 
This 16 oz. bottle is equivalent to 96 teaspoons.
For an average consumption of 1/2 gallon per day, 
this will last 192 days, or about 6 months.

To accelerate repair and facilitate detox, 2 to 3 teaspoons a day can be consumed in a glass of water. The taste is a little bitter with a strong, clean mineral finish to the palate. 

The ionic minerals are the same size minerals found in the plant kingdom. 
A plant absorbs the colloidal size minerals from the soil and convert them into ionic size minerals. The human cell does not absorb colloidal size minerals which are 10,000 times bigger than ionic size. 

This concentrated solution contains about 120 minerals and trace-minerals.
A list of a few are listed on the bottom of this page along with their health benefits and some extra information to enrich your knowledge. 

By converting Black Mica ( Biotite ) rocks into ionic state minerals using a high pressure chamber, we unleash the potential of BORON. 
Boron, in ionic state, is one of the most magnetic mineral on the planet. 
It is the only mineral capable to change the polarity of toxic minerals into a life-enhancing healthy mineral. 

For example: 
Ionic Boron converts the harmful Sodium Fluoride into healthy Calcium Fluoride.
Sodium Fluoride is a Dextrorotatory (right) spinning toxic. 
Boron changes the rotation of the atom into a Levorotatory (left) spin. 
The same goes for all the other toxins and chemicals found in today's water. 


- Eliminates bacteria, virus and parasites.
- Eliminates FLUORIDE, LEAD and CHLORINE by changing their polarities from      positively charged ion to negatively charged ions.
- By changing polarities, it also assist the body to DETOX from Cellular Carbon-       Based Waste and reduce THM without harming the body. The soluble toxins     become insoluble visible toxins. Toxins drop to the bottom 
of your container within    hours as the Water become thinner/lighter than toxins.
- Activates Oxygen and empowers Hydrogen, our true source of Energy.
- Raises Frequency and Vitality to 250,000 Bovis.
- Full spectrum of 120 minerals and trace minerals.
- Maximizes Hormones, Glutathione and SOD.
- Diamagnetism and Paramagnetism optimize all enzymatic functions and stimulates metabolism. - Sulfate in ionic form (Angstrom size) mixed with minerals creates Amino Acids in living  organisms. 
- Ionic Power splits the water clusters: more profound hydration and more efficient   delivery of minerals to all Cells and Tissues for optimized repair and rejuvenation.
- Restructures Water to Hexagonal Shape promoting fractability and protect   yourself from Electric and Magnetic Fields Radiation.
- Opens up your Chakras and de-calcifies your Pineal-Gland (3rd Eye) to optimize the transfer of coherent cosmic intelligent information (3,6,9) and unlock your full DNA Codes Potentials, perfect for Matrix de-Borg.  



Iron (Fe) is an essential nutrient that carries oxygen and forms part of the oxygen-carrying proteins, hemoglobin in red blood cells and myoglobin in muscle.Its major function is to combine with protein and copper in making hemoglobin.  Hemoglobin transports oxygen in the blood from the lungs to the tissues which need oxygen to maintain basic life functions. Iron builds up the quality of the blood and increases resistance to stress and disease.


Plays an important role in regulating the neuromuscular activity of the heart; maintains normal heart rhythm; necessary for proper calcium & Vitamin C metabolism; converts blood sugar into energy.


 Works with sodium to regulate the body's waste balance and normalize heart rhythms; aids in clear thinking by sending oxygen to the brain; preserves proper alkalinity of body fluids; stimulates the kidneys to eliminate poisonous body wastes; assists in reducing high blood pressure; promotes healthy skin.  


Builds and maintains bones and teeth; regulates heart rhythm; eases insomnia; helps regulate the passage of nutrients in & out of the cell walls; assists in normal blood clotting; helps maintain proper nerve and muscle function; lowers blood pressure; important to normal kidney function and in current medical research reduces the incidence of colon cancer, and reduces blood cholesterol levels. 


A deficiency of Phosphorus can cause various diseases or conditions (e.g., gastrointestinal malabsorption, diabetes mellitus, renal tubular dysfunction, antacid abuse, and premature birth).  


An antioxidant nutrient; important in the blood breakdown of amino acids and the production of energy; necessary for the metabolism of Vitamin B-1 & Vitamin E; Activates various enzymes which are important for proper digestion & utilization of foods; is a catalyst in the breakdown of fats & cholesterol; helps nourish the nerves and brain; necessary for normal skeletal development; maintains sex hormone production. 


Is an antioxidant nutrient; necessary for protein synthesis; wound healing; vital for the development of the reproductive organs, prostate functions and male hormone activity; it governs the contractility of muscles; important for blood stability; maintains the body's alkaline balance; helps in normal tissue function; aids in the digestion and metabolism of phosphorus. 

 Rodhium and Iridium

Our brain tissue contains a full 5% of monatomic rhodium and iridium by dry matter weight. They are a conductor of the life force. They are how our cells communicate with our consciousness.


  Essential for most animals, including humans. The influence of copper upon human health is due to the fact it is part of enzymes, which are proteins that help biochemical reactions occur in every cell. Copper is involved in the absorption, storage and metabolism of iron. The symptoms of a copper deficiency are similar to iron deficiency anemia. Copper may be absorbed by both the stomach and small intestinal mucosa, with most absorbed by the small intestine.

Importance of Copper: 
  • Helps oxidize glucose and release energy.
  • Helps the body absorb iron.
  • Aids the thyroid gland in balancing and secreting hormones.
  • Carries oxygen in the blood stream.
  • Supplies the body's tissues with oxygen
  • Increases the body's energy levels.
  • Aids in nerve and brain function
  • Needed for the functioning of the amino acid, tyrosine.
  • Essential for making red blood cells.
  • Helps the body absorb iron.
  • Helps tyrosine work as a pigment factor
  • Helps supply oxygen to the brain.
  • Enzyme component
  • Necessary for the synthesis of the hormone adrenaline.
  • Associated with intestinal enzyme activity.
  • Acts as a brain stimulant
  • Copper antagonizes manganese ions.
  • Copper level in the body parallels estrogen levels.
  • Copper is a natural yeast fighter
  • Copper improves epinephrine, norepinephrine and dopamine.
  • helps oxidize Vitamin C and works with Vitamin C to form Elastin, a chief component of the Elastin muscle fibers throughout the body; aids in the formation of red blood cells
Copper deficiency symptoms:
  • Not enough oxygen in the cells
  • Lowered levels of HDL cholesterol
  • Skin problems
  • Swollen ankles
  • Anemia
  • Low copper causes the cells to suffocate and lack oxygen
  • Low copper levels linked to low enkephalins produced in the brain.


Germanium as an organic complex has been touted, but not proved, as having anticancer properties in humans.


Major antioxidant nutrient, it protects cell membranes and prevents free radical generation thereby decreasing the risk of cancer and disease of the heart and blood vessels.  Medical surveys show that increased selenium intake decreases the risk of breast, colon, lung and prostate cancer. Selenium also preserves tissue elasticity; slows down the aging and hardening of tissues through oxidation; helps in the treatment and prevention of dandruff, lose skin and premature aging.


Plays a role in the structure of glycosaminoglycans and their protein complexes. Connective tissues including aorta, trachea, tendon, bone, and skin and its appendages contain much of the silicon that is retained in the body. Thin chicken eggs are a good example of the lack of Silicon. In the other hand, a hard shell demonstrates the good consumption of silicon.


Lithium is best known for its pharmacological properties; it is used as an anti-manic agent.


Controlled studies in humans suggest that the molybdenum requirement is well below the usual dietary intake, which is consistent with lack of molybdenum deficiency in the US population. Bioavailability studies suggest that molybdenum is less well absorbed from soy products than from leafy vegetables.


Works with insulin in the metabolism of sugar and stabilizes blood sugar levels; cleans the arteries by reducing Cholesterol & Triglyceride levels; helps transport amino acids to where the body needs them; helps control the appetite; medical research has shown that persons with low levels of Chromium in their bodies are more susceptible to having cancer and heart problems and becoming diabetic. 


  1. The human body is meant to function at far higher concentrations of oxygen than it is currently getting.
  2. The total dissolved oxygen content of most people's bodies today is considerably lower than what's needed to maintain health, high energy levels and proper metabolism.
  3. The lower the dissolved oxygen content is in a person's body, the greater the body's susceptibility to chronic illness and disease.
Oxygen is the most vital nutrient for our bodies!  Without a continuous, proper supply of oxygen our body's internal organs begin to degrade, become diseased and age more rapidly.

    Did you know that the brain requires more oxygen than any other organ in the body?  If the brain doesn't get enough oxygen the result can be sluggish thinking, negativity, depression, irritability, and even the decline of vision and hearing.  Many elderly persons become senile due to lack of oxygen to the brain.

    Lack of oxygen has also been considered to be a major cause of cancer.  Studies have shown that when oxygen was withdrawn from cells they could turn into cancer cells.  Lack of oxygen is also a major cause of heart disease and strokes.

    Think of your body as a fire.  
A fire needs a fuel source such as wood, but it must have oxygen to keep burning. It must have an “aerobic ” environment.  Your body too, must have an aerobic environment!.  An "aerobic" environment means lots of oxygen around your body's cells.  These cells need oxygen to perform metabolic functions. Cells were designed to burn glucose, and they need oxygen to keep the fire burning. This burning process, also called metabolism, produces wastes.

     When your cells become surrounded with wastes, the oxygen cannot reach the cells.  When this happens cells do not function properly.  Once oxygen is no longer able to reach the cells, the environment in the body becomes an “anaerobic” one, and changes start happening.  Cells become diseased!  Diseased cells prefer to live and multiply in an oxygen poor or “anaerobic” environment, and therefore they increase in quantity in an environment filled with wastes.

     Increasing the amount of oxygen in your body can only benefit your body.  Exercising, increasing your intake of green, yellow and red vegetables, and deeply colored fruits will increase the amount of oxygen in your body.

Quotes on Oxygen Deficiency and Disease 

"Cancer has only one prime cause. 
It is the replacement of normal oxygen respiration of the body's cells by an anaerobic (i.e. oxygen-deficient) cell respiration."
·  Dr. Otto Warburg.
Two-Time Nobel Laureate Winner of the Nobel Prize for Cancer Research 

"Lack of oxygen clearly plays a major role in causing cells to become cancerous."
·  Dr. Harry Goldblatt. Journal of Experimental Medicine 

"The true cause of allergy is lowered oxidation process within the body, causing the affected individual to be abnormally sensitive to foreign substances entering the body. Only when the oxidation mechanism is restored to its original highest state of efficiency can the sensitivity be eliminated."
·  Dr. Wendell Hendricks
Hendricks Research Foundation 

"Starved of oxygen the body will become ill, and if this persists it will die. 
I doubt if there is an argument about that."
·  Dr. John Muntz
Nutritional Scientist 

"Simply put, disease is due to a deficiency in the oxidation process of the body leading to an accumulation of toxins. These toxins would ordinarily be burned in normal metabolic functioning."
·  Dr. Albert Wahl 

"In all serious disease states we find a concomitant low oxygen state
Low oxygen in the body tissues is a sure indicator for disease … 
Hypoxia, or lack of oxygen in the tissues, is the fundamental cause for all degenerative disease."
·  Dr. Stephen Levine
Renowned Molecular Biologist & Author of:
"Oxygen Deficiency: A Concomitant to All Degenerative Illness" 

Many of today's sharpest scientific minds are growing concerned that the human body is not getting anywhere near the levels of oxygen needed for peak health, vitality, immune system function, and longevity. They point to a growing body of evidence which suggests; 
  1. The human body is meant to function at far higher concentrations of oxygen than it is currently getting.
  2. The total dissolved oxygen content of most people's bodies today is considerably lower than what's needed to maintain health, high energy levels and proper metabolism.
  3. The lower the dissolved oxygen content is in a person's body, the greater the body's susceptibility to chronic illness and disease.

As Dr. Spencer Way writes in the Journal of the American Association of Physicians, 
"Insufficient oxygen means insufficient biological energy that can result in anything from mild fatigue to life threatening disease. The link between insufficient oxygen and disease has now been firmly established."

To your health and Happiness!

Professor Thierry BROUWERS, 
Founder of The Vitalitians Society.

Thierry BROUWERS, San Bernardino Forest, California
Thierry BROUWERS, San Bernardino Forest, California

“I, as "me" the reader, understand that The Vitalitians Society, Prof. Thierry Brouwers, Vitalitians and Certified Vitalitians are not medical doctors and are not here for medical diagnostic or treatment procedures. The information given on this website is for educational purposes only on the subject of health matters. The information given on this website is only intended to help improve your life with fruits, vegetables, sprouts, micro-greens, exercise and neutral thinking and does not involve the diagnosing, treatment, or prescribing of remedies for the treatment of diseases. If you choose to follow any advice on this website, you choose to follow the information received on your own behalf based on your own beliefs. 
By using this website, you assume total responsibility and liability for your own actions.” 

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using this product.