To the caring people of the Earth, 
to the children, 
and to the magnificent creatures 
who share this planet with us.

"Today there is a wave of “awakening” sweeping across the earth.
More and more people are realizing that in deviating from the natural order,
we have lost something precious, but, if we live according to the universal laws,
we can recover what has been lost and attain the great blessing of real health."
~ John Robbins

We hope that's why you're here, sharing this information with us.
We look forward to assisting you find that precious blessing of real health.

People are realizing that health can be reclaimed through a change in their lifestyle.
By accepting responsibility for your health, perfect health, and nothing less, should be accepted. Simply stated, to have life in your body you must have life in your food.

We base our program on the premise that the following elements are essential to optimum health:

1. Wheatgrass chlorophyll is virtually identical to that derived from all rich green plants. This amazing plant contains complete protein, vitamins, minerals, and most importantly, oxygen, enzymes, hormones and phyto-nutrients and should be utilized throughout one’s life.

The Wheatgrass Book by Ann Wigmore
2. Germinated and sprouted seeds and grains are essential to human health in providing easy digestibility and boundless maximum nutrition.

Thierry BROUWERS with Germinated Beans.

3. Raw alkalinizing juices on a daily basis are necessary to reverse the acidification process and to provide a full spectrum of nutrients.
Thierry BROUWERS with Ma Cheri Jackie Cheering on a "FEEL THE BEETS" Smoothie

4. An abundance of vegetables and judicious amount of fruit should be used to ensure a sound health-rebuilding program that will provide a buffer against our polluted environment.
CITRUS BOWL , Created by Chef Thierry BROUWERS

5. Sunshine is the energy source of all life and plays a key role in strengthening our immunity.

6. Water and air are two foundations for our very existence.

Thierry BROUWERS Windsurfing

7. Exercise is imperative and may even speed the healing and rebuilding process by 40-50%.

Thierry BROUWERS doing the CROW POSE

8. Efficient digestive function and internal cleanliness provide an essential foundation on which to rebuild one’s health. Proper food combining, the regular use of vegetable juices, fasting, and colon management techniques should not be overlooked as they provide the keys to life-long health.

Trays of Wheatgrass prepared by Thierry BROUWERS

9. Supplements derived only from whole foods such as algae, herbs, pollens, etc., not from fractionated forms or formulas, and may be used as an adjunct but not as a substitute for healthful meals.

Wakame Seeweeds Bowl prepared by Thierry Brouwers

10. Integration of body/mind/spirit plays a central role in one’s health. Understanding the mental impact of one’s emotions on one’s health clearly reveals the relevance of the mind/body connection. This underscores the importance of positive attitudes in one’s pursuit of boundless health.

At this critical period in human history, we must face some challenging choices. However, we must also realize that this is not the end of the world; rather, it should be perceived as the beginning of a new era. We are fortunate to be living in an exciting period of history. Those who succeed, even thrive, during this time of drastic change will be those mature enough to recognize their responsibility to themselves, their planet, and their universe. Decades of experience in the health field has taught us that the responsible individual can and will flourish in this era.

How We Have Deviated

In our present culture, it is apparent that we have deviated from living sensibly, especially where our nourishment is concerned. Much of our food intake comes in the form of fast foods, which merely appear to meet our needs but actually do not. They not only lack nourishment, but often contain harmful ingredients. For instance, let’s take ice cream as an example.
In the past, ice cream was made of whole eggs, milk and sugar cranked out at home as an occasional treat. However, in today’s synthetic era, we have a different story. The fun food is, in reality, a poison. Manufacturers are not required by law to list the additives used. Consequently, most ice creams contain some pretty surprising ingredients such as the following:
DIETHYL GLYCOL – A cheap chemical used as an emulsifier instead of eggs, the same chemical used in anti-freeze and pain removers.
PIPERONAL – Used instead of vanilla – a chemical used to kill lice.
ALDEHYDE C 17 – Used to flavor cherry ice cream it is an inflammable liquid also used in aniline dyes, plastics and rubber.
ETHYL ACETATE – Used to give a pineapple flavor and also a leather cleaner – its vapors have been known to cause chronic organ damage.
BUTYL ALDEHYDE – Used in nut flavored ice creams and is an ingredient of rubber cement
ACRYL ACETATE – Used for banana flavor and also a paint solvent.
BENZYL ACETATE – Used for strawberry flavor and a nitrate solvent. 

   Why Living and Raw Food ? 

The Basics of Nourishment

Raw Vegan Buffet prepared by Thierry BROUWERS

With the spell of our illusions broken, we need to return to the natural way of eating and eliminate all chemicals from our food. Many ancient civilizations followed the ways of nature and knew the importance of eating live and raw natural foods, the basic source of nourishment. These basics are composed of raw, uncooked vegetables and fruits, germinated and sprouted grains, nuts and seeds, sprouted legumes, green sprouts grown on trays, alkalinizing juices, and some dehydrated and fermented foods.

Before we even examine the superior value of raw and living food we should explain exactly why we should not cook our food. During this apparently harmless process vital enzymes are destroyed, proteins are coagulated (making them very difficult to assimilate), and vitamins are mostly destroyed with the remainder changing into forms that are difficult for the body to utilize. Pesticides are restructured into even more toxic compounds, valuable oxygen is lost and free radicals are produced. Studies suggest that cooked proteins (coagulated) are up to 50% less likely to be utilized. Oxygen, enzymes, phytonutrients and hormones are consequently destroyed.

In addition, there is another danger in cooked foods that has special significance for our modern era with its overwhelming stresses on the human immune system making individuals increasingly vulnerable to a variety of diseases. Cooking food above a certain temperature (slightly under 200 degrees Fahrenheit) causes a pathogenic response in the body-leukocytosis – whereby white blood cells (leukocytes) are actually used to digest the food much as they would attack a foreign substance. In the last century, this was thought to be a normal part of the digestive process. However, Dr. Paul Kouchakoff, M.D. discovered in 1930 that consuming raw foods did not produce the same response. He also concluded that processing, before cooking, dramatically increased this pathological response.

Equally important to note is the absence of vital enzymes in cooked foods. The activity of life is enzyme activity, according to Dr. Edward Howell, a pioneer in this in this research. In his work he has identified up to 100,000 different enzymes functioning in the body. In the final analysis, he equates the health of individuals with their enzyme status. With these enzymes destroyed through cooking, our foods become enzyme deficient. Youthful bodies are capable of supplying additional enzymes needed to digest cooked foods, but this capability diminishes with age, causing indigestion and constipation in our older population. As one ages, it is more important than ever to eat a mainly raw diet.

A raw and living food diet is loaded with enzymes, crammed with vitamins and minerals, abundant in oxygen, complete with available proteins and is especially high in fiber. Furthermore, there is another life-giving response in the alkalinity of these foods. Most importantly, living foods, such as sprouts, which are still growing until the moment one eats them, provide us with a more subtle vitality due to the fact that the foods’ bio-electrical forces are most active. Kirlian photography has actually shown that the electrical energy surrounding a tray of wheatgrass is such that one’s energy is enhanced by merely consuming them.

The abundance of oxygen in these foods should not be ignored. More and more studies reveal that oxygen deprivation within the body equals disease and death. Oxygenation of the blood stream is essential to the nourishment of all the cells in one’s body. On a raw food diet, a continual supply of oxygen is fed into the system with extremely beneficial results. To reiterate, only living and raw foods with their alkaline effect on the body can reverse the acidification (aging, disease, and death) process caused by consumption of cooked and processed foods.

Definitive research on extending life spans has clearly proven that the consumption of high quality foods consumed in small amounts prolongs life. As always, the pharmaceutical industry is trying to create a pill which will help award us life extension. This pill will reduce caloric intake from food rather than to use common sense and educate people to eat less and get on the living food diet. Over the last half century there have been thousands of cases through the life-change program who arrived with a prognosis of demise and now, decades later, some in their 80’s and 90’s and even early 100’s are flourishing contributors to the human race.

With these simple truths in mind, it is easy to see how harmony can be restored to the body through the use of fresh, raw and living foods. They nourish, cleanse and alkalinize the body by the combined action of their nutritional components, vitamins, minerals, amino acids (proteins), pure liquids, complex carbohydrates, fiber, enzymes, phytonutrients and hormones.

Dr. Paul Kuchakoff & Dr. Edward Howell

Pioneer researchers that gave us the Scientific Foundation which proves Humans are meant to eat Raw Living Vegan Foods.

Super Nutrition Through Germinating and Spouting

The Re-emergence Of an old Truth

In our work at The Vitalitians Society, the use of raw and living foods has evolved into a new way of living and eating. We see a new relationship between food and life. Yet this relationship is not a new or novel concept, rather, it is a re-emergence of an ancient truth. The following are keys to this re-emerging system; the germinating and sprouting of foods, the use of grasses and leafy green vegetables, the importance of juices and the (careful) use of dehydrated and fermented foods.
Many ancient cultures knew the value of germinating and sprouting grains, seeds, legumes, beans and nuts. The use of sprouted seeds for food and medicine is more than twice as old as the Great Wall of China and was even noted in their historical records. Today more and more data is being compiled on the amazing nutritional value of sprouting. Research by Dr. Jeffrey B. Land, professor and bio-chemist at the University of Puget Sound, has shown that 6 cups of sprouted lentils contain the full recommended daily allowance of protein (about 60 grams) in a fully digestible form. He then concluded that these could provide a significant portion of daily protein needs in a safe and inexpensive.
These living foods that are germinated and sprouted afford us the most concentrated natural sources of vitamins, chelated minerals, enzymes and amino acids (proteins in a digestible form). These also Contain abundant enzymes and bio-electrical energy, one important reason for their desirability. Pound for pound, lentils and bean sprouts contain as much protein as red meat, yet in a totally digestible form without the fat, cholesterol, hormones and antibiotics that are found in most present day meats.

Why this occurs bears some examination and explanation. Germination is the important process which results when seeds, grains, legumes and nuts are soaked in water for a period of time. Water removes certain metabolic inhibitors which are present to protect the seed from bacterial invasion and preserve it during its dormant state. Soaked seeds are more easily digested. During the germination process, the seed springs into life and becomes more available nutritionally for human needs. Inherent enzyme inhibitors, phytates (natural insecticides), oxalates, etc., present in every seed, nut or grain are removed through fermenting and before pre-digestion occurs. By this we mean that the starches are converted into simple sugars, proteins are broken down into amino acids, fats converted into soluble fatty acids and vitamins are created and enhanced. Germinating is the process employed to make many of the seed and nut sauces at the Institute. For every one pound of seed, it will grow into eight to twelve pounds of super food.
Sprouting carries this life-beginning process farther, resulting in a variety of living foods such as tray grown sprouts from sunflower seeds and buckwheat seeds. Later on we will explain how to grow these green sprouts on trays. Several other sprouts are eaten before they develop any leaves.
Aside from the many health benefits from eating sprouts, these processes may present a solution to the growing problem of world hunger. By making inexpensive, abundant and highly nutritious foods like seeds, beans and grains even more healthful, sprouting is an ideal way to combat problems of dietary deficiency.
In our research at Hippocrates we have concluded that while there are virtually endless varieties of foods that can be sprouted, certain categories of the most beneficial sprouts have evolved which provide for very different types of utilization by the body. As the following partial chart suggests, Groups 1 and 2 are for cleansing and rebuilding the body, while Groups 3 and 4 provide maximum energy and endurance and are jokingly referred to as the “macho sprouts”. Group 5 is for the re-mineralization of the body due to the high mineral content of these unique beans which must be sprouted with the complete absence of sunlight stimulation to provide this vital effect. Group 6 is also unique, due to its internal gentle healing quality, not unlike that of a nurturing parent versus the dramatic healing effect of the chlorophyll-rich, tray-grown green sprouts like wheatgrass, sunflower and buckwheat. Each of these has a unique quality and should be considered in your daily dietary choices. Sprouts are not only economical, practical and magnificent givers of life and health, but are perfect foods for environmental purposes. Indeed they are the food for generations to come.

Tray Greens



Also integral to your program is the green sprouts of sunflower and buckwheat seeds. These are sprouted, and then planted in soil on trays, similar to wheatgrass. Basically, this amounts to indoor gardening. These tray-grown sprouts are equally rich in chlorophyll and nutrients. With the wheatgrass they comprise a major portion of the “living food” at the Institute. They are eaten in salads shortly after harvesting and are juiced for “green drinks” which are consumed twice daily on your program. A green drink consists of a variety of vegetable juices and at least 50% should be green sprout juice. Not only do these drinks alkalinize the system but they provide immediate, highest quality, full spectrum nutrition to the body. One is simply not on the Hippocrates Diet unless consuming at least two of these drinks a day.
Both the wheatgrass and the greens are economical and easy to grow. To begin, you will need ordinary topsoil combined with 50% peat moss – both readily available at any nursery. As you progress, you will be producing the highest quality compost from discarded root mats and your soil will improve continually. Additionally, you will be partaking in a soil regeneration program, returning to the earth and recycling what was taken out.

You will need trays to hold the soil. We use planting trays with drainage. One tray is needed to hold the soil and seeds for planting, and another as a cover to hold in the moisture. If you want to have one tray of wheatgrass every day, you will need about 16 trays in all. For the greens you may use as many or fewer, depending on your needs. By experimenting with different amounts you will eventually find the right number of trays you to need to plant.
To store the soil and peat moss mixture, an empty trash container might suffice. If you plan to compost the used root mats, you will need another such container with holes drilled every four inches round for air circulation. More information on composting will follow.
To plant wheatgrass, soak one cup of whole winter wheat seeds for 8 hours in a lot of water. Then sprout for another 8 hours with the jar upside down in a dish drainer. Rinse at last two times in warm water to prevent drying out. Then spread a one inch layer of soil over the tray, being careful not to let the seeds spill in the trough. Try not to let the seeds pile on top of one another. Sunflower and buckwheat are planted more densely than wheat because their root systems are not as strong. Water thoroughly but do not over water. You can tell if you have over watered if you see it standing in the gutter. Next, place the cover and leave it for three days or until the lid starts to lift as a result of the sprouts pushing it up. At that point uncover and water thoroughly and place in a bright spot but not in direct sunlight. Water once a day along the trough. Your plants will be mature enough to use in a total of seven days, depending on the weather and climate.
The procedure for growing tray-grown sprouts of sunflower and buckwheat is similar. When purchasing your seeds be sure to buy seeds with their hulls left on and purchase organically grown or biologically grown seeds. For each tray soak 1 ½ cups sunflower and ¾ sup dry buckwheat seeds in quart jars filled with water. The amount of water you will need is one full quart for the sunflower and ½ quart for the buckwheat. Soak for eight hours, then drain the seeds and allow them to sprout for 8 to 12 hours. Plant them in the same way as wheatgrass.
To compost the soil from the tray after harvesting the sprouts you break the root mats apart and place them in a plastic garbage can with holes drilled every four inches. Cover the can and continue to add layers of mats and vegetable scraps from the kitchen, especially the pulp from the juicer, until the can is full. In about three months, the soil inside will be ready to use for planting. To use this recycled soil at 25% peatmoss for improved moisture retention.

The Value of Juices

Fresh juices are another key to the Hippocrates program. The extracted juices from fresh vegetables, some fruits and tray-grown sprouts allow us to gain all the benefits and outstanding nutritional qualities in an easily assimilated form. These are digested immediately and begin cleansing and healing long before the same whole foods could begin to work. In addition, whole foods use up valuable energy because of the prolonged digestion process which can be used in healing.

Juicing is not the same thing as blending or even liquefying. A blender makes a fruit or vegetable appear liquefied, whereas a juicer extracts only the liquid, leaving the cellulose or fiber behind. At Hippocrates, we use several juicers for preparing fresh juices. The Champion is an excellent machine. Please note, however, that this machine is ideal for making a variety of juices, yet it is distinctly different from a wheatgrass juicer which is a low speed machine that presses the juice out of the more fibrous sprouts, greens and grass; a job that the high speed machines cannot do efficiently. A Norwalk press can also be used to extract leafy green juice.

A popular breakfast at the Institute is watermelon juice made with any of the mentioned juicers. During juicing we include the rind and seeds. This juice is excellent for the kidneys and bladder and it functions beautifully as a diuretic. By utilizing the whole food, the sugar content is reduced and there is additional protein as well as vitamins A, B and C and chlorophyll.

As mentioned before, the “green drinks” on our living food program are vital to health and well-being. These are made from juiced sunflower and buckwheat sprouts and vegetables such as cucumber, celery, parsley, carrots, peppers, etc. All are juiced in a slow turning juicer like the wheatgrass juicer. What gives these drinks their healing qualities is that they are made almost entirely from the indoor, tray-grown sprouts. These are nutritionally packed “living foods” and the other vegetable juices are merely added for flavor. We recommend that everyone drink at least two eight ounce glasses of “green drink” per day. These "green drinks” are an exceptional source of chlorophyll with its attendant oxygen. They also supply the complete pre=digested protein needed each day (about 25 grams). Another factor about these juices we wish to emphasize is their desired alkalinizing effect upon the body.

Germinating a bean, seed, nut, legume or grain is a beautifully simple procedure. Basically all that is needed is a jar, some seeds and water. To germinate for sauces, etc., just soak the seeds or nuts the required time in the purest water available. Be sure to rinse well to remove all inhibitors before preparing sauces, seed milks, etc. The seeds or nuts are now ready to be made into delicious dressings, sauces or seed and nut loaves. One can learn how to prepare these in our recipe books.

Sprouting requires a few more simple steps. First, be aware that soaking time varies according to the size of the seed. All small seeds similar to alfalfa, radish, red clover, sesame, cabbage, mustard, etc. can be soaked for 4 to 6 hours. Larger nuts and beans like almonds, filberts, Brazil nuts, pinto, chickpeas, etc. can be soaked for 10 to 12 hours. However, climate, season and temperature play a significant role as in warmer times soaking is greatly reduced. We must reiterate, for mung and aduki beans to realize their full potential as life-givers to the body, they must be sprouted in darkness, recreating the pattern nature created for them.

To begin, you will need some wide mouth jars, some plastic screen mesh, a rubber band to secure the mesh to the top of the jar, and, of course, the seeds. People who are away from home daily will find automatic sprouters are a useful piece of equipment. For traveling, sprouting can be conducted in sprouting bags.

After soaking the appropriate time, pour off the soak water and rinse well. Turn the jar upside down to let it drain. Use a dish drainer to hold the jar at an angle. Then continue to rinse the sprouts morning and evening to keep them from drying out. It is important to keep them moist, warm and well-drained. Room temperature is ideal – in warmer climates they will grow more quickly with a greater chance to spoil. So rinse them more often in warmer area.

Between rinsing, place the jars upside down at a 45 degree angle to allow for drainage and circulation. When they are ready you will want to remove the hulls of such seeds as alfalfa, fenugreek, cabbage, mung, aduki and radish. Others, such as the grains, hulled sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, lentils and chickpeas can be eaten as they are. To remove hulls, place the sprouts in the sink or a large pan and fill with water. Then carefully shake the sprouts to loosen the hulls and brush the hulls aside. Next, carefully lift the floating sprouts out of the water so as not to disturb the hulls which are floating along the sides or sunk to the bottom. Place the hulled sprouts in a colander to drain. Sprouts will keep in the refrigerator for about a week, but the quicker you eat them the richer they are in nutrients.

Some words about clover sprouts are in order. Small seeds do gradually increase in weight and volume after sprouting, so don’t overfill the jar. These may be set in direct light for a few days to green their leaves.

Wheatgrass – The Green Miracle

Another key to Hippocrates’ success has been wheatgrass, a miraculous food that is now widely recognized as a health builder and restorative. This truth is also not a new concept. Over 50 million years ago, the emergence of the grasses caused a major reorganization of the animal world and those that could utilize its nourishing qualities thrived. Though we humans do not have the ability to process large quantities of these grass fibers, current research is showing that chlorophyll extract (juice) is an excellent phytonutrient healer.

Wheatgrass juice is one of nature’s richest sources of vitamins A, C and E and contains all of the known mineral elements. It is rich in calcium, phosphorous, iron, potassium, sulphur, sodium, cobalt and zinc. According to recent research, the grasses are exceptionally high in B vitamins, especially vitamin B-17 (laetrile). Wheatgrass contains chlorophyll, a substance that is referred to as nature’s great healer. Chlorophyll produces an unfavorable environment for bacterial growth in the body and helps purify the liver, builds a clean bloodstream and aids in proper digestion, as well as helping to balance the blood sugar. Wheatgrass is a complete protein.

Because wheatgrass is a powerful cleanser, it may cause nausea in some people soon after ingestion. This is merely a reaction to the release of toxins within the system. Start with small quantities, one ounce or so and gradually increase the intake to four ounces. By implanting Wheatgrass juice directly into the colon, it is used as part of a sound colon cleansing program, a process we will describe in detail later.

Once juiced, wheatgrass is not stable and tends to go bad quickly so it is best to use it immediately or within 15 minutes. However, cut grass will store for a week or so in the refrigerator in plastic containers, (bags, etc.). Frozen wheatgrass juice will keep for some time, but is not as effective as freshly made juice, containing only a shadow of its whole benefit.

Dehydrated and Fermented Foods

Another method we employ is dehydration, the bridge from cooked to raw foods. This method of drying fruits, vegetables, nut-and-seed mixtures opens a door to a whole new world of healthy nutritious and delicious eating. Dehydrators are readily available today and while some vitamin and enzyme breakdown occurs during this process, it is still much preferred to cooking. We should mention that you must purchase the highest quality organic produce available, making certain it is fresh and fully ripe.

Fruit has long been thought of as the ultimate food by many on health quests. However, we have observed that while small amounts of fruit in the daily diet are usually beneficial, an all fruit, or mostly fruit diet is over-stimulating and aggravating to certain illnesses. Such a diet is too rich in sugar to be used so extensively in our modern world. Of course, for blood sugar, cancer, yeast and microbial problems even a small amount is unacceptable. Therefore, at the Institute we recommend less fruit and more vegetables.

Fermented foods are also controversial in their benefits. For many years we advocated a wide variety of fermented foods and drinks for all people, but we noticed that they sometimes caused adverse reactions. Fermented drinks like Rejuvelac and fermented seed cheeses and nut loaves were found to harbor some unfriendly bacteria. There are some legitimate and desirable uses for these foods in some people’s diet, but for a certain percentage of health seekers, occasional raw sauerkraut is enough.

In rounding out our dietary program, I wish to clarify a few points. While a 1005 raw food diet is ideal, many of us need to function in a toxic, lower vibrational world. In order to facilitate this we have found that, unless serious health problems exist, a diet of 80% raw and living food and 20% cooked food is acceptable. Steamed vegetables, high-performance grains like quinoa, amaranth and the alkaline millet, baked squashes and yams are good nutritional choices. Also, with the increasing evidence that serious disease results from an excess of three basics – proteins, fats and sugars – we firmly recommend, even on a living food diet, that proportions should be as follows by weight: 5% proteins from algae, germinated or sprouted seeds and nuts; 5% fats from whole foods like avocado, sprouts, nuts & seeds with the major portion of the food, 90% coming from complex carbohydrates, such as sprouts, greens and raw vegetables with occasional fruits.


Optimum assimilation and digestion 


Expanding the Parameters of Health  


Optimum assimilation and digestion

Proper Food Combining

As important as it is to know which foods and drinks to choose, it is just as important to know how to combine food properly. While one mixture of foods aids digestion, another can create the reverse situation. While most live foods combine well with each other because of their composition, there are a few rules which should be followed:
First, do not drink liquids with meals as they will dilute the gastric secretions, making digestion more difficult. Second, fruits and vegetables do not mix well. They are better eaten at separate meals, or one should wait at least two hours after eating fruit to eat vegetables. Sprouts are included in the vegetable category, as is wheatgrass. When eating a fruit dessert, also wait for at least two hours after the main course.
When eating fruit meals or single fruits, try to make combinations of acid fruits with other acid fruits, subacid with subacid and sweet fruits together with other sweet or dried fruits, rather than mixing the 3 groups indiscriminately. Each of the groups of fruits has a different water and sugar content, and they are more easily digested when eaten with similar fruits. It is also important to eat melons by themselves. Melons are one of the most quickly and easily digested foods. When combined with other fruits as in a fruit salad, their digestion is delayed by the more slowly digested fruits and this can cause fermentation. Avocados are the only exception to the fruit/vegetable rule. They are easily combined with either fruits or vegetables, making them a truly versatile and important food.

Eliminative Health

For proper assimilation and digestion we need to maintain a healthy colon. The average person is preoccupied with the cleanliness of his home, car, etc., and gives little thought to his internal state of cleanliness. Thus, millions of people have colons that are impacted with toxic waste. Laxatives and other over-the-counter remedies have become big business, with colon cancer emerging as the number two cancer killer in the nation.
The colon’s main function is to eliminate unusable portions of food and other metabolic waste from the body. During the final phase of digestion, liquids and some minerals are removed from the food and the colon and then are ready to be recycled. When the colon is clean and functioning normally, we experience a state of wellness, and when it is congested and twisted out of shape, it can cause problems in other parts of the body. A badly impacted colon can be carrying in excess of 10 pounds of fecal matter at one time. Even though a person may have a daily bowel movement, there may still be several days’ worth (even up to a week’s worth) of waste inside the colon. This provides a breeding ground for unfriendly bacteria which can cause a multitude of problems, including headaches, flatulence, indigestion, colitis, bowel cancer and other physical disorders. When these wastes have accumulated in the colon the peristaltic becomes weak and sluggish, causing constipation. These accumulations tend to harden in the pockets of the colon walls. This hardened material obstructs the peristalsis (the natural muscular contraction of the bowel) and more and more buildup occurs. This then interferes with final absorption and digestion, so that instead of absorbing nutrients; the undigested food putrefies, creating toxic conditions.
The first step necessary in cleansing the colon is the use of enemas and, occasionally, colonics. Then, use chlorophyll (made from wheatgrass or algae) implants, and change your diet to living foods. We have found through years of research with our guests that instead of harming the electrolyte balance in the colon, enemas with implants actually restore a better balance. After taking a room temperature distilled water enema, this is the way to take a high wheatgrass implant. Fill the enema bag with at least four ounces of fresh undiluted juice. Proceed with the implant using the ordinary enema procedure. Then remove the catheter and remain lying down. Retain the implant for 15-20 minutes before expelling it.
Other rules for colon management are common sense and, therefore, oftentimes overlooked. Heeding natures call to eliminate is extremely important, especially the first thing in the morning when bowel functions have been active all night. Regular exercise is also important, and the lack of exercise immediately after eating because the process of digestion requires a great deal of energy.
Finally, one small device which we use to great advantage is a foot stool, platform or box to go under both feet, when seated on the toilet. By raising the feet off the ground, we are in a squatting position which is really our natural position encouraging better elimination, and the design of the modern toilet may actually contribute to constipation problems.


Equally important is the role of fasting as a part of life. Throughout history, fasting has been recognized as one of the best methods to eliminate toxic accumulations from the system. While most natural health proponents accept fasting, there are two distinct schools of thought and some convincing arguments are made on each side of the controversy.
One group strongly supports water fasting as the correct way to fast, arguing that taking of any type of liquid nourishment cannot be considered a true fast. On the other hand, a different school suggests that fasting with vegetable and fruit juices brings far better results, without the severe reactions that often accompany lengthy periods of food deprivation.
At The Vitalitians Soceity Course, we subscribe to this latter point of view, and our extensive experience in our work has convinced us that this is the best course to follow. Severe reactions may attend a water fast which can cause unnecessary stress on the organs of elimination. Drinking water only greatly accelerates the cleansing process causing massive amounts of toxins to be released from the body. Juice fasting, while just as effective, evinces less trauma and discomfort. More importantly, on a juice fast one is nourished and strengthened instead of being depleted and weakened.
Anyone planning to try a first-time fast should consult a health professional who can help should difficult cleansing reactions occur.

Expanding the Parameters of Health

In addition to a more correct relationship of food to life, our research at the Institute has verified the need to expand the parameters of healthful living to include certain other basics. Who will deny the importance of sunlight, air and water in a full, natural life? Yet, in today’s polluted environment the search for these elements, which are so necessary, has become problematical.
Attention must also be paid to detoxifying the larger environment, beginning with one’s home and workplace. Clothing must be re-examined. Our diet and approach to life represents a health restoring lifestyle that makes it imperative to break away from the manipulative systems of the special interests that dominate our world today. Fast foods, drugs, chemicals, additives and preservatives should be assiduously avoided.

Sunlight, Air and Water

The vital importance of sunlight cannot be overemphasized in any healthful approach to life. Ancient peoples revered the sun as life-giver and healer. In current thinking, however, the sun is depicted as purely destructive and contributes to aging.
Yet there is another body of evidence that suggest the modern diet has actually created the negative conditions that sunlight only accelerates. At the Institute we favor this latter opinion and advise moderate sun exposure, in the morning or evening, which helps healing by lowering blood pressure, establishing a better blood sugar balance, aiding digestion and strengthening the immune system. The absorption of vitamin D from the sun’s rays helps to build strong bones.
Today there is increasing evidence that most incandescent bulbs and fluorescent tubes have a potentially harmful effect on the human system. Again there are measures we can take to alter these factors in our favor. Science has recognized for some time that light and color affect our whole being. One breakthrough in this type of research was made by F. Jacobsen, M.D. and Norman Rosenthal, M.D. which they named “Seasonal Affective Disorder and the Use of Light as an Anti-Depressant”, conducted under the auspices of the National Institute of Mental Health in Bethesda, Maryland.
The original pioneer in this field was Dr. John Ott, who researched extensively the effects of artificial and natural light on the human system. Basically, he determined that a lack of sunlight (full spectrum light) in seasonal periods caused a wide range of mental and emotional problems – from lethargy to full-blown depression – in a wide segment of the population.
He further determined that the sun’s rays play a major role in the state of our physical health, especially the immune response. The top echelon of science today is validating these conclusions.
Rouleau is a complex modern malady found in the bloodstream of people who operate computers and video display terminals. Basically, this is a “bending” of the blood cells, causing the cells to coagulate and contort their shape, creating massive vulnerabilities and potential disease. This condition is caused by the harmful light frequencies and electronic vibrations emitted from these terminals. Also of serious concern here are possible links to eye problems, miscarriages and birth defects. Swedish studies have reported significantly higher rates of birth defects in babies born to women who work regularly at video display terminals during their pregnancies. The only antidote would be the use of full spectrum lighting, applied directly over the operator during terminal use and certain shielding materials covering the screen. Television viewers should sit at least 6 feet away from the screen and even farther would be better.
There is a profusion of health complications brewing from modern inventions that we have not been alerted to as yet. Beside the evident fact that “winter blues” and seasonal ups-and-downs are universally felt, we have somehow neglected to understand the importance of all of the elements in nature. When living in an inclement climate, one should rely on either full spectrum lighting or UV (ultra-violet frequencies included) lights which are less expensive. These should be everywhere in your home; from the light next to your chair to those in your bathroom. They are becoming more available all the time through health food stores and specialty outlets. Contact the Institute for current information.
The quality of the air we breathe is of great importance to a healthy life. Proper breathing cannot be overemphasized. While we can touch only superficially upon this serious subject, it is important to state how vital it is to breathe deeply in order to oxygenate the blood stream is one is to be truly healthy. Most people simply do not breathe deeply enough. The result of this is the bloodstream becomes oxygen deficient, leading to all types of physical and brain function problems.
One of the best ways to oxygenate the blood stream is through vigorous exercise. That is why our exercise program is such an important part of our courses. However, we do start out slowly because so many of our guests have not exercised regularly prior to visiting the Institute. The benefits do accrue rather quickly though, and this is due to the greatly increased oxygenation.
The quality of the air in one’s environment is of equal importance, especially in view of the fact that the skin, the largest organ in the body, also absorbs oxygen. Wearing synthetic clothing for extended periods may be quite harmful because the skin must breathe. Regardless of where one lives, air pollution is becoming a serious problem. Having a complete indoor garden of wheatgrass, tray-grown sprouts and houseplants, helps to oxygenate indoor air. There are some quality air treatment systems on the market today that bear investigation. We can provide information on these if you write to us.
Pure water is another basic need. Water pollution has become a world-wide problem and we should take special precautions with the water we use. While there are many sophisticated water filter and purifiers on the market today for drinking purposes, we recommend distilled water, either processed at home or purchased in glass containers. There are so many dangerous substances in our water at this time that distillation seems to make the most sense. Unlike some past thinking on this, distilled water does not leach minerals from the body. Granted, distilled water is unstructured, which basically means its molecular structure is in need of “organizing” before the body can utilize it. However, exposure to sunlight for ½ hour can change this. Actually, on a living food diet, the most important source of structure, distilled water is in the food itself, the highest quality and greatest quantity being found in fruits. One other choice is structured water which not only organizes the H2O molecules; it creates the strongest anti-oxidant effect in your cells fighting against disease.

Detoxify Your Home

For a healthy life we need to consider the environment. There is a growing awareness of the threat of indoor air pollution. Insecticides, formaldehyde, asbestos, radon gas, lead, tobacco smoke, etc. pose a serious threat to our energy-efficient, weather tight and inadequately ventilated homes. According to High Kaufman, hazardous waste expert at the Environmental Protection Agency, “We’re just beginning to identify the problem of indoor air pollution, but everywhere we look is worse than be expected”.
Practically any enclosed building can become the source of dangerous contaminants due to the buildup of volatile chemical concentrations exuded from plastics and solvents. The combustible particulates from heating plants and tobacco, which give off nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons, provide and ideal setting for the cultivation of fungi, nematodes and bacteria that may cause respiratory ailments such as legionnaire’s disease, among others.
According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, manufactured particle board, plywood, carpet backing, furniture, permanent press clothing and insulated materials emit poisonous formaldehyde gases that can progress to more serious conditions. A recent study of 164 mobile homes, in four randomly selected trailer parks, revealed that more than half of them exceeded what are considered safe levels of formaldehyde concentrations.
Especially dangerous is urea-formaldehyde foam insulation. Some research has indicated a definite link to crib deaths. If you suspect such a problem in your home, you can obtain a “dosimeter” to measure concentration of formaldehyde. The Environment Protection Agency may be able to provide information on this matter.
Another widespread and dangerous indoor pollutant is radon gas, a radioactive substance emitted from the earth’s crust from uranium deposits found in much of inhabited earth. Exposure can occur, unknowingly, through such simple activities as using a washing machine or taking a hot shower. Here again, testing should be available in your area. Homeowners can minimize gas seepage into cellars by sealing off all masonry cracks and by providing adequate ventilation in living areas.
Another source of indoor pollution that should not be overlooked is cigarette smoke. British researchers have recently discovered that urine samples of 85% of the non-smokers tested contained measurable levels of tobacco substances even though some of these individuals did not believe that they were being subjected to second-hand smoke.
Carbon monoxide is another killer that may be stalking a weather-tight home. Poorly ventilated furnaces, gas dryers and unvented kerosene heaters are all possible sources of carbon monoxide poisoning. Also, prolonged exposure to common Household chemicals found in various cleaners, soaps, disinfectants, pesticides, paint thinners and all volatile substances should be avoided.
For many years the approved treatment for termite infestation has been the use of chlordane. However, research now has shown that this poison does not break down, as was previously thought, and dangerous contamination may continue indefinitely. There have been many cases where homes have actually been abandoned because heating ducts were contaminated with this deadly substance.
This list could go on and on. Such indoor environment hazards may seem to be beyond one’s control, but to be aware of possible dangers allows us to explore safer options and to take corrective measures. Also, through ignorance, we may further add dangerous pollutants to our home environment. By being aware of these hazards, we may be able to avoid much pain and grief.


Our clothing may also be potentially hazardous to our health. This area has yet to be investigated fully. Accumulating data indicates that synthetic fabrics do affect our health. The advent of these fibers has imperiled many super-sensitive people by the wide-spread and unregulated use of chemical agents, flame retardants, solvents, acid and dyes. These are used to treat both natural and synthetic fabrics. Of all the chemical processes involved, the flame retardants have been the most widely publicized, and these have been found to be both mutagenic and carcinogenic in research on animals.
Of equal danger is vinyl chloride, a highly toxic chemical known to be carcinogenic in humans. It is used frequently in synthetic fabrics, especially in fake furs and wigs. This is extremely dangerous where wigs are concerned, due to the high permeability of the scalp.
For all these reasons, not to mention the larger negative impact on the environment from chemical wastes created by these synthetics, we recommend only natural fibers – cotton, linen, wool, flax, hemp and all organic silk. Because of their breathability, these fibers are the most comfortable.
Caring for clothing is important. As much as possible, try to wash your clothing in a biodegradable product and avoid spot removers, pre-washing treatments and bleach. The residues they leave behind may produce skin irritations and allergic reactions, and these products have a negative impact on the environment as well. Dry cleaning should be used as little as possible. With garments that must have this process, let them air outdoors for about a week so that most of the fumes can be dispersed.

Planetary Wellness

The program that we evolved at The Vitalitians Society Course is a completely integrated system. The foods we choose and those we grow are returned to the earth through composting. Our every aim here is to live healthfully and in complete harmony with the earth. Living within the framework helps to protect us from the machinations and manipulations of special interests. This program will give you total control of your dietary choices, leading to full responsibility for your own health. This approach, beginning on an individual level and expanding outward, can lead to planetary harmony as well.
Over our lives we have been discouraged from living with Passion. Layers of unwanted involvements weigh heavily on us and diminish our spirits. When this spark is gone we cannot appreciate life and live with the joy and freedom which is our birthright. This is why one must have a main objective and that is to fulfill yourself through an impassioned focus on those things that give you the most joy.
Those people who feel out of touch with themselves spew their discontent all over the planet creating everything from unsafe energy sources to piles of rubble as they discard whatever they wish out the windows of their cars, off the sides of their boats and in the garbage cans in front of their homes and businesses. Trained by a market-based culture we are avid consumers who do not think about tomorrow and, more importantly, do not care about today. This destructive activity has let us into a disease causing environment filled with our discards and, as nature always will, she is trying to let us know that we must stop. Disease rates are growing, multiplying and mutating. Each year there are hundreds of new symptoms and disorders that cannot be categorized under the traditional health criteria. We have observed the recipients of catastrophic disease becoming younger and younger as time passes. You must stand strong and think and act independently so that you are a contributor to yours and others advancement rather than just one more burden on the planet.
Over our lives we have been discouraged from living with Passion. Layers of unwanted involvements weigh heavily on us and diminish our spirits. When this spark is gone we cannot appreciate life and live with the joy and freedom which is our birthright. This is why one must have a main objective and that is to fulfill yourself through an impassioned focus on those things that give you the most joy.

You must stand strong,
Think and act independently,
So that you are a contributor
To yours and others
Advancement rather
Than just one more burden
Upon the future of the planet.


What to expect from others & Individualizing the diet

What to Expect From Others

If you have serious health problems for which you have consulted a medical doctor you were probably told that a dietary program such as ours in ineffective. Society has been brainwashed by special interest groups (the food companies, the pharmaceutical companies and the medical associations) into an unquestioned acceptance of medical means as the only possible therapy that will work. These allopathically-trained M.D.’s are taught only to administer drugs, and surgeons will most often suggest surgery.

We embrace an eclectic approach to health and we utilize many tested and useful methods. For the most part, we avoid the use of drugs. We feel that nutritious food is the best medicine, along with the sensible employment of supplements. We have found that the synergistic effect of prescription drugs is the most dangerous problem our guests have had to deal with. Some combinations of prescribed drugs can have lethal consequences. However, with certain illnesses, parasitic infections, for example, we occasionally employ allopathic medicines.
At times we meet people who are quite skeptical, critical and sometimes even hostile regarding our program. We have found it is never wise to try to convince people who are openly antagonistic to our dietary approach to healing. Most people are not ready to give up their ethnic foods, their addictions and lifestyle or their faith in the medical faculty. The individual who lives this diet and expresses boundless health provides the most stunning proof that this program is effective.
In terms of what to expect during your detoxification period, we can offer a few guidelines. Actually, 60% of accumulated wastes will be released in the first seven days of your program, but complete healing and restoration of the body takes a number of years and breaks down into stages of 7 year increments. It will take the first seven years to completely rebuild the body in the following phases:

1 day – 1 ½ years …………… Digestive cleansing – major fat deposits and calcifications
1 ½ - 2 years …………………… Deep tissue cleansing & joint cleansing.
2 – 5 years ……………………… Bone structure, cartilage and further joint cleansing.
5 ½ - 6 ¼ years ….…………… Organ repositioning and renewal.
6 ¼ - 7 years …………………… Brain tissue and neurological cleansing.

Cleansing reactions may ensue as layer after layer is stripped away. But you will feel better and better as time passes. Due to the body’s cellular intelligence, every part is affected by the whole. When one part is renewed, this leads to greater and greater integrity and harmony within the whole being.
During the second 7-year cycle, the emotional body is dealt with and refined. The third 7-year cycle brings out enhanced universal understanding, and a further understanding of your role in life.

Individualizing the diet

One of the mistakes that any teacher or group leader makes in dispensing information and advice is becoming overzealous in treatment and making blanket statement that convey the impression that there is only one correct way to proceed.
At The Vitalitians Society, we fell into these very traps and unconsciously exaggerated the effectiveness or appropriateness of a general program that was not individualized in any way. For several years now we have implemented a more open approach in dealing with any given situation. One of the gifts of nature is the uniqueness of each individual, and this holds true with our personal needs in renewing health. We should not disregard or discount valid information because our own concepts and experiences may differ. Choices may be the proper remedy, but dogmatism usually results in obstruction.
We have modified our stance to the point where we realize that the less desirable drug, operation or radiation therapy may be necessary in some cases. This is a decision that requires the most careful consideration.
Many people reading this mini course or who enroll in our Certified Vitalitians Program follow a typical meat, dairy, poultry and fish diet, which also includes many processed foods. Although we may agree that such a diet is not health-giving, we are aware of the psychological attachments to former eating habits. In most cases where people are not in life-threatening situations, they can make a steady, unhurried change to a more healthful diet. An optimum diet may not be identical for everyone, but it should be obvious that all animal foods, granulated sugars, processed flour, fats, oil and excess proteins be eliminated. A good way to proceed is to map out a 6 month plan to reach your goal. Your first steps must be to eliminate your addictions to coffee, sugar, smoking, alcohol and drugs. The one “bad” thing you hold onto is always the biggest detriment to your health. Your wise choices will propel you into a heightened level of wellness.
The “quick fix” is an anomaly. It never fixes anything. Relying on a pill to take away the pain has been the western approach to self-medication. Common sense dictates that we discover the cause of our problems and eliminate them safely and effectively. The usual first step is to detoxify the body with a cleansing, nutritious diet. It is certainly not a rapid process. It is more like the seasons as they change – a gradual, definitive, long-lasting approach which will undeniably change your life and the way you deal with others. You can expect to emerge as a gentler, kinder, more compassionate individual as your emotional health is restored con-currently with your physical health.
Your oral fixations, deeply entrenched emotional traits and diminished spirit are all poor companions at the beginning of your road to recovery. You can be sure that your recovery has begun when your new companions are healthful eating habits, heightened self-esteem, happiness and an enlightened spirit.
Your obligation to yourself is to establish a goal, to proceed to that goal with determination, to embrace the goal and upon reaching it, to establish a new and higher goal. This applies to all areas of life, not only to your change of diet. Progress is a basic principle that governs life itself.
Longtime members of our organization are aware that the Hippocrates Health Institute has never advocated or recommended the use of supplements or vitamins as a dietary complement because we feel that a variety of whole, unprocessed and unheated foods are intrinsically superior, have a more balanced composition and can be more fully absorbed. However, after long experience, research and application, we now recommend certain supplements which are Living Food based. This expands the building and healing process.
The research experiments, conducted by Hippocrates Health Institute and other World Leading Organizations in the World, on the utilization of enzymes in the last three years have shown us that they can provide an enormous boost in improved digestion and healing. We unequivocally recommend certain whole food algae, both the green single-celled and the blue-green varieties. The incredible nutrients and minerals they provide cannot be duplicated at this time in any land-based plants. Algae strengthen your RNA and DNA.



This book represents a crystallized view of our multi-faceted focus. We have embraced life fully and, as a result, we are enjoying life and health enthusiastically. Our methods are not complex – they are the dynamics of life itself.

Rather than leave you with a redundant summation, we prefer to list some thought provoking statements that will hopefully lead you into the path of true health.


· Coffee drinking is not an innocuous habit but a harmful addiction.

· Alcohol is one of the most harmful products that is unrestricted by governments.

· A sunflower green is complete, perfect protein food.

· Eating starches and proteins together creates a sulfur compound in the body causing gas.

· Peanut butter has been shown to be carcinogenic due to the mold, aflatoxin, often found on the nuts.

· If you must use a sugary substance, “Stevia” is the most natural and least harmful. Remember, sugar of any kind may stress the pancreas.

· Caffeine, as in soda, coffee, etc., is a dangerous drug just like cocaine, heroin and morphine and is responsible for weakening the nervous system causing cardiac irregularities and increasing the risk of pancreatic cancer.

· Ripe strawberry juice has been found to eliminate fatty deposits from muscles and to restore elasticity to the skin.

· Chick peas, first sprouted and then cooked, are nutritious and non-gas forming. They are a good choice in any transition diet.

· Phytonutrients are the most important nutritional discovery in history.

· Vegetables from the “nightshade” family such as peppers, tomatoes, potatoes or eggplant, should not be cooked.

· Boron, found most extensively in legumes, fruits and vegetables, may be a key factor in preventing osteoporosis.

· Billions of years ago the blue-green algae produced the oxygen in our atmosphere. These algae, with their countless years of cell memory, help our cells to remember their perfect functioning.

· Rejuvelac, once a major part of the Hippocrates diet, has been eliminated due to research showing that it encouraged the growth of unfriendly bacteria, which negated the effects of good bacteria. Mounting complaints of discomfort prompted us to delete this fermented drink from our diet, and we recommend, instead, the use of distilled water in recipes calling for rejuvelac.


· In a toxic body, poisonous acids build up in the blood, leading to joint erosion and cause a host for certain diseases.

· Eat only when your appetite tells you to do so. Eating when angry, anxious or fearful contributes to constipation & mal-absorption.

· The human body must have daily stimulation through exercise, fresh air and sunshine to function in a normal manner.

· The human body completely regenerates within a seven-year period.

· Genetics play more of a role today than ever before in human illness, due to massive destruction to which we have exposed our systems in the last decades.

· Bathing should be done a minimum of every 24 hours. If one really wishes to clean one’s body, taking saunas, steam baths, or using a whirlpool are excellent choices to further cleansing.

· Eating a completely raw, live food diet results in weight reduction, and research has shown that a well-nourished, this body functions much more efficiently and has a greater resiliency to environmental and dietary dangers.

· When maintaining a live food diet, one must engage in muscular resistance exercises to develop muscular strength, improve cardiovascular action and stamina. Muscle is the only weight we want on our body.

Mental & Spiritual

· Never stop learning. Keep your mind elastic and teachable. Don’t be a “know-it-all”.

· Prepare your food with gratitude and appreciation.

· When the ego is in charge, it is like the tail wagging the dog.

· When the vision is in your heart, you are home free.

· Spirituality is not a set of rules and regulations that constrict or limit us. It is really the totality of endless potential.

· Success is established, built, created and maintained through consistency, commitment, focus, faith and knowledge.

· There is overwhelming proof that the mind affects every part of the human anatomy.

· Sexism, racism and prejudices are due to our lack of knowledge, information and self-esteem.


· Wear only natural fabrics like organic cotton, linen, hemp and silk if possible. Man-made fabrics can give off fumes for up to ten years.

· The present wool sheering process is often cruel and exploitative, so use your judgment when choosing woolen clothing.

· 92% of the world is under nourished, but a vegetarian world would assure everybody of adequate food and nourishment.

· The toxic fumes which escape when you fill your gas tank are absorbed by your clothing and are later released into the air in your home. Some gas stations have signs suggesting that you not stand close and that you turn your face away as you fill your tank.

· Eating some “fast foods” can mean destroying part of the earth’s rainforests.

· Asbestos, radon gas, high tension wires, fumes radiating from plastics and man-made materials, electronic waves, etc. have all added to the constant bombardment of our immune and cellular systems.

· Noise levels distract even the most centered person, so we should provide ourselves with daily rest periods of quiet relaxation.

· Stress is always thought of as external forces affecting you. An improved self-image will create the self-confidence needed to deal effectively with any stressful situation.

· The American Cancer Society has announced that they foresee an annual death rate of one million people if the problems of environmental pollution and chemically contaminated foods are not remedied and eliminated.

· Sleep only on 100% cotton or organic cotton sheets. Luxurious pure silk sheets are also healthful. Your skin absorbs and is affected by everything it touches, and the chemicals in polyester fabrics are toxic. They also emit fumes which are harmful to our respiratory system.

· The same water that is here today is the original that was here at the beginning of the earth.

· Compost when possible to build soil and enrich the Planet.

· Recycle everything to reduce waste, energy usage and pollution.

· MTBE, a gasoline additive, which has now seeped into the water systems in many parts of the world, has been found to be the most cancer causing chemical ever researched. Distilled or molecularly organized water are the only choices which rid us of this mutagen.

· Walk, bicycle or use electric or hydrogen vehicles to reach your destination.

· Planting native foliage and trees around your homes and businesses will decrease water usage and increase air pollution reducing oxygen.

· Reduce your cell phone and computer usage to the minimum thus avoiding unnecessary energy output and potential disease causing emissions.

· When possible, take a day of rest from all appliances, television, electronics, recorded music and transportation giving yourself the time and opportunity to take a walk with friends or family, collecting discarded debris in your neighborhoods, parks, beaches and cities.

· Purchase wind generated electric technology for your homes and business use whenever possible. This cutting edge equipment will become increasingly available as time passes, dramatically reducing environmental pollution and economic output.

We hope you enjoyed our mini course as much as we enjoyed sharing it with you!

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