What to expect from others & Individualizing the diet

What to Expect From Others

If you have serious health problems for which you have consulted a medical doctor you were probably told that a dietary program such as ours in ineffective. Society has been brainwashed by special interest groups (the food companies, the pharmaceutical companies and the medical associations) into an unquestioned acceptance of medical means as the only possible therapy that will work. These allopathically-trained M.D.’s are taught only to administer drugs, and surgeons will most often suggest surgery.

We embrace an eclectic approach to health and we utilize many tested and useful methods. For the most part, we avoid the use of drugs. We feel that nutritious food is the best medicine, along with the sensible employment of supplements. We have found that the synergistic effect of prescription drugs is the most dangerous problem our guests have had to deal with. Some combinations of prescribed drugs can have lethal consequences. However, with certain illnesses, parasitic infections, for example, we occasionally employ allopathic medicines.
At times we meet people who are quite skeptical, critical and sometimes even hostile regarding our program. We have found it is never wise to try to convince people who are openly antagonistic to our dietary approach to healing. Most people are not ready to give up their ethnic foods, their addictions and lifestyle or their faith in the medical faculty. The individual who lives this diet and expresses boundless health provides the most stunning proof that this program is effective.
In terms of what to expect during your detoxification period, we can offer a few guidelines. Actually, 60% of accumulated wastes will be released in the first seven days of your program, but complete healing and restoration of the body takes a number of years and breaks down into stages of 7 year increments. It will take the first seven years to completely rebuild the body in the following phases:

1 day – 1 ½ years …………… Digestive cleansing – major fat deposits and calcifications
1 ½ - 2 years …………………… Deep tissue cleansing & joint cleansing.
2 – 5 years ……………………… Bone structure, cartilage and further joint cleansing.
5 ½ - 6 ¼ years ….…………… Organ repositioning and renewal.
6 ¼ - 7 years …………………… Brain tissue and neurological cleansing.

Cleansing reactions may ensue as layer after layer is stripped away. But you will feel better and better as time passes. Due to the body’s cellular intelligence, every part is affected by the whole. When one part is renewed, this leads to greater and greater integrity and harmony within the whole being.
During the second 7-year cycle, the emotional body is dealt with and refined. The third 7-year cycle brings out enhanced universal understanding, and a further understanding of your role in life.

Individualizing the diet

One of the mistakes that any teacher or group leader makes in dispensing information and advice is becoming overzealous in treatment and making blanket statement that convey the impression that there is only one correct way to proceed.
At The Vitalitians Society, we fell into these very traps and unconsciously exaggerated the effectiveness or appropriateness of a general program that was not individualized in any way. For several years now we have implemented a more open approach in dealing with any given situation. One of the gifts of nature is the uniqueness of each individual, and this holds true with our personal needs in renewing health. We should not disregard or discount valid information because our own concepts and experiences may differ. Choices may be the proper remedy, but dogmatism usually results in obstruction.
We have modified our stance to the point where we realize that the less desirable drug, operation or radiation therapy may be necessary in some cases. This is a decision that requires the most careful consideration.
Many people reading this mini course or who enroll in our Certified Vitalitians Program follow a typical meat, dairy, poultry and fish diet, which also includes many processed foods. Although we may agree that such a diet is not health-giving, we are aware of the psychological attachments to former eating habits. In most cases where people are not in life-threatening situations, they can make a steady, unhurried change to a more healthful diet. An optimum diet may not be identical for everyone, but it should be obvious that all animal foods, granulated sugars, processed flour, fats, oil and excess proteins be eliminated. A good way to proceed is to map out a 6 month plan to reach your goal. Your first steps must be to eliminate your addictions to coffee, sugar, smoking, alcohol and drugs. The one “bad” thing you hold onto is always the biggest detriment to your health. Your wise choices will propel you into a heightened level of wellness.
The “quick fix” is an anomaly. It never fixes anything. Relying on a pill to take away the pain has been the western approach to self-medication. Common sense dictates that we discover the cause of our problems and eliminate them safely and effectively. The usual first step is to detoxify the body with a cleansing, nutritious diet. It is certainly not a rapid process. It is more like the seasons as they change – a gradual, definitive, long-lasting approach which will undeniably change your life and the way you deal with others. You can expect to emerge as a gentler, kinder, more compassionate individual as your emotional health is restored con-currently with your physical health.
Your oral fixations, deeply entrenched emotional traits and diminished spirit are all poor companions at the beginning of your road to recovery. You can be sure that your recovery has begun when your new companions are healthful eating habits, heightened self-esteem, happiness and an enlightened spirit.
Your obligation to yourself is to establish a goal, to proceed to that goal with determination, to embrace the goal and upon reaching it, to establish a new and higher goal. This applies to all areas of life, not only to your change of diet. Progress is a basic principle that governs life itself.
Longtime members of our organization are aware that the Hippocrates Health Institute has never advocated or recommended the use of supplements or vitamins as a dietary complement because we feel that a variety of whole, unprocessed and unheated foods are intrinsically superior, have a more balanced composition and can be more fully absorbed. However, after long experience, research and application, we now recommend certain supplements which are Living Food based. This expands the building and healing process.
The research experiments, conducted by Hippocrates Health Institute and other World Leading Organizations in the World, on the utilization of enzymes in the last three years have shown us that they can provide an enormous boost in improved digestion and healing. We unequivocally recommend certain whole food algae, both the green single-celled and the blue-green varieties. The incredible nutrients and minerals they provide cannot be duplicated at this time in any land-based plants. Algae strengthen your RNA and DNA.



This book represents a crystallized view of our multi-faceted focus. We have embraced life fully and, as a result, we are enjoying life and health enthusiastically. Our methods are not complex – they are the dynamics of life itself.

Rather than leave you with a redundant summation, we prefer to list some thought provoking statements that will hopefully lead you into the path of true health.


· Coffee drinking is not an innocuous habit but a harmful addiction.

· Alcohol is one of the most harmful products that is unrestricted by governments.

· A sunflower green is complete, perfect protein food.

· Eating starches and proteins together creates a sulfur compound in the body causing gas.

· Peanut butter has been shown to be carcinogenic due to the mold, aflatoxin, often found on the nuts.

· If you must use a sugary substance, “Stevia” is the most natural and least harmful. Remember, sugar of any kind may stress the pancreas.

· Caffeine, as in soda, coffee, etc., is a dangerous drug just like cocaine, heroin and morphine and is responsible for weakening the nervous system causing cardiac irregularities and increasing the risk of pancreatic cancer.

· Ripe strawberry juice has been found to eliminate fatty deposits from muscles and to restore elasticity to the skin.

· Chick peas, first sprouted and then cooked, are nutritious and non-gas forming. They are a good choice in any transition diet.

· Phytonutrients are the most important nutritional discovery in history.

· Vegetables from the “nightshade” family such as peppers, tomatoes, potatoes or eggplant, should not be cooked.

· Boron, found most extensively in legumes, fruits and vegetables, may be a key factor in preventing osteoporosis.

· Billions of years ago the blue-green algae produced the oxygen in our atmosphere. These algae, with their countless years of cell memory, help our cells to remember their perfect functioning.

· Rejuvelac, once a major part of the Hippocrates diet, has been eliminated due to research showing that it encouraged the growth of unfriendly bacteria, which negated the effects of good bacteria. Mounting complaints of discomfort prompted us to delete this fermented drink from our diet, and we recommend, instead, the use of distilled water in recipes calling for rejuvelac.


· In a toxic body, poisonous acids build up in the blood, leading to joint erosion and cause a host for certain diseases.

· Eat only when your appetite tells you to do so. Eating when angry, anxious or fearful contributes to constipation & mal-absorption.

· The human body must have daily stimulation through exercise, fresh air and sunshine to function in a normal manner.

· The human body completely regenerates within a seven-year period.

· Genetics play more of a role today than ever before in human illness, due to massive destruction to which we have exposed our systems in the last decades.

· Bathing should be done a minimum of every 24 hours. If one really wishes to clean one’s body, taking saunas, steam baths, or using a whirlpool are excellent choices to further cleansing.

· Eating a completely raw, live food diet results in weight reduction, and research has shown that a well-nourished, this body functions much more efficiently and has a greater resiliency to environmental and dietary dangers.

· When maintaining a live food diet, one must engage in muscular resistance exercises to develop muscular strength, improve cardiovascular action and stamina. Muscle is the only weight we want on our body.

Mental & Spiritual

· Never stop learning. Keep your mind elastic and teachable. Don’t be a “know-it-all”.

· Prepare your food with gratitude and appreciation.

· When the ego is in charge, it is like the tail wagging the dog.

· When the vision is in your heart, you are home free.

· Spirituality is not a set of rules and regulations that constrict or limit us. It is really the totality of endless potential.

· Success is established, built, created and maintained through consistency, commitment, focus, faith and knowledge.

· There is overwhelming proof that the mind affects every part of the human anatomy.

· Sexism, racism and prejudices are due to our lack of knowledge, information and self-esteem.


· Wear only natural fabrics like organic cotton, linen, hemp and silk if possible. Man-made fabrics can give off fumes for up to ten years.

· The present wool sheering process is often cruel and exploitative, so use your judgment when choosing woolen clothing.

· 92% of the world is under nourished, but a vegetarian world would assure everybody of adequate food and nourishment.

· The toxic fumes which escape when you fill your gas tank are absorbed by your clothing and are later released into the air in your home. Some gas stations have signs suggesting that you not stand close and that you turn your face away as you fill your tank.

· Eating some “fast foods” can mean destroying part of the earth’s rainforests.

· Asbestos, radon gas, high tension wires, fumes radiating from plastics and man-made materials, electronic waves, etc. have all added to the constant bombardment of our immune and cellular systems.

· Noise levels distract even the most centered person, so we should provide ourselves with daily rest periods of quiet relaxation.

· Stress is always thought of as external forces affecting you. An improved self-image will create the self-confidence needed to deal effectively with any stressful situation.

· The American Cancer Society has announced that they foresee an annual death rate of one million people if the problems of environmental pollution and chemically contaminated foods are not remedied and eliminated.

· Sleep only on 100% cotton or organic cotton sheets. Luxurious pure silk sheets are also healthful. Your skin absorbs and is affected by everything it touches, and the chemicals in polyester fabrics are toxic. They also emit fumes which are harmful to our respiratory system.

· The same water that is here today is the original that was here at the beginning of the earth.

· Compost when possible to build soil and enrich the Planet.

· Recycle everything to reduce waste, energy usage and pollution.

· MTBE, a gasoline additive, which has now seeped into the water systems in many parts of the world, has been found to be the most cancer causing chemical ever researched. Distilled or molecularly organized water are the only choices which rid us of this mutagen.

· Walk, bicycle or use electric or hydrogen vehicles to reach your destination.

· Planting native foliage and trees around your homes and businesses will decrease water usage and increase air pollution reducing oxygen.

· Reduce your cell phone and computer usage to the minimum thus avoiding unnecessary energy output and potential disease causing emissions.

· When possible, take a day of rest from all appliances, television, electronics, recorded music and transportation giving yourself the time and opportunity to take a walk with friends or family, collecting discarded debris in your neighborhoods, parks, beaches and cities.

· Purchase wind generated electric technology for your homes and business use whenever possible. This cutting edge equipment will become increasingly available as time passes, dramatically reducing environmental pollution and economic output.

We hope you enjoyed our mini course as much as we enjoyed sharing it with you!

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