The Exercise Imperative, Body/Mind/Spirit
Unfolding into wellness & Modern dilemmas 


The Exercise Imperative

Fitness today is largely considered an integral part of life. Indeed, fitness is big business with improving techniques, medical research in this area, and a wide assortment of fitness equipment. At the Institute, we strive for a full understanding of the underlying principles governing our physical response to exercise, and how these responses enable the body to become totally well. Most individuals equate exercise only with weight control, body contouring, flexibility and muscular strength. Actually, these desired results are more cosmetic and are less important than the major benefits that affect the individual internally.
The vascular system, lymphatic system, circulatory system, digestive system, immune system and respiratory system are profoundly dependent upon physical activity for their efficient functioning. On an emotional level, we benefit immensely through a reduction of stress, anxiety, lethargy and depression.
Exercise generally fits into two distinct categories: those that stretch the muscles and those that strengthen them. Both movements are necessary to achieve optimum fitness. We have found that a program of daily stretching exercises promotes optimum cleansing of the body’s tissues. A condition of stagnation and congestion is the prime contributor of most degenerative physical problems. Stretching exercises best enable these congealed masses of toxic residues to become dislodged and eliminated.
One of the worst things we do to ourselves in not to exercise. The buildup of bodily wastes becomes increasingly toxic, so we need vigorous daily exercise; thus the bloodstream can move through the muscles forcefully, carrying away these toxic residues.
Furthermore, exercise that is sufficiently vigorous oxygenates the blood, enhancing this cleansing process. The lymphatic fluid, so vital to the breakup of accumulated wastes surrounding the cells, is also activated. Rebounders or mini-trampolines are helpful in this respect. Gentle bouncing for about five minutes daily will enable the lymph fluids to wash back and forth over the cells, loosening waste residues so that they can be carried away in the blood stream. Of the blood stream as the sanitation department of the body, and we can keep it in top form by exercising daily.

The other type of exercise we should include is the type that strengthens or contracts the muscles. Resistance exercise, swimming and weight training fall into this category. This type of workout builds strength and promotes a healthy cardiovascular system. Vigorous aerobic exercise combined with resistance exercise is a strong preventative of osteoporosis, because any impact on the skeletal system causes more calcium to be absorbed into the bones to compensate for the stress.
There are close to 700 muscles in the human body. If muscles are not exercised they atrophy. Just as a variety of foods provides the best balance of nutriments, so do many different types of activities give our complicated muscular structure the workout each muscle requires to maintain a high degree of fitness.
There are so many enjoyable activities to choose from as a form of exercise such as swimming, walking, rowing, biking, dancing, running, weight training, aerobics, volleyball, golf, tennis, shuffleboard, bowling and many other sports. Regardless of your age, you can find an appropriate activity that will strengthen your heart and oxygenate your bloodstream.
Exercise, self-esteem, diet and happiness will bring a person to the apex of health. We should all aspire to a full and meaningful life experience. As we help the individuals who participate in our program to improve their perspective and activate their dreams, we know that there are truly no boundaries or limits to what anyone can accomplish. Happiness and fulfillment is always within reach of everyone who follows nature’s magnificent methods. 

Body/Mind/Spirit/ - Unfolding Into Wellness

In our work of teaching how one may attain total health, we employ several other techniques quite successfully. Massage and more aggressive body work, such as deep muscle and shiatsu, have often were proven effective. Massage affects every part of the body – glands, organs, tissues, muscles, nerves, circulation, lymph, etc. Not only does it stimulate elimination of poisons, but it also calms the mind and gives immediate emotional gratification. Steam baths and hot tub baths, as well as saunas, are also employed effectively. We have found that steam baths clean the water organs such as kidneys and lungs, while the sauna works on the fat organs, specifically the liver and gallbladder. The whirlpool gives relaxing warmth to the body and benefits the nerve tissue and bones.
Reflexology may be another useful tool in self-healing, and acupuncture or cranial reconstruction may accelerate the healing process. There is no reason to limit oneself in exploring these and many other options.
Prayer, meditation and visualization techniques are also an integral phase of our work, and we have found those techniques pioneered by Bernie Siegal, Norman Cousins, Louise Hay, Dr. Larry Doussey and Dr. Simonton of equal value.
Through the conscious application of these methods, an improvement in the body/mind/spirit complex occurs naturally when combined with a living food diet. Under ideal circumstances, the total energy available to us is divided equally into 3 areas: 1/3 in the physical area (governing food, fear, sex, etc.), 1/3 in the emotional area (governing understanding of self and others), and the remaining 1/3 in the mental/spiritual area (governing universality).
Today 91% of our energy is locked into the physic level; 8% operates in the emotional area; and less than 1% of our total energy ever reaches the mental/spiritual level of self-preservation and the satisfaction of physical desires. However, on a living food diet, amplified by other correct approaches to “Right Living” we can transcend these earth-bound tendencies and develop our higher mental and spiritual nature.


Modern Dilemmas


Another threat existing today that threatens the integrity of humanity is the scourge of addictions and drug abuse. Addiction to alcohol, smoking, food, drugs, sugar, gambling, caffeine, television, pornography, fanatic ideology and similar mental aberrations are causing untold suffering. Because many individuals find it difficult to cope with daily stresses they try to escape momentarily by using various tools. The crashing return back to reality leads to an ever escalating dependence on these min-altering substances. Our occupation with escapism clouds our view and prevents us from living up to our highest potential. A drunken stupor or an elusive high are the by-products of helplessness, fear and self-doubt. When over one-half of our children at age 12 have partaken of some type of drug or alcohol, we had better start seeking solutions to this widespread and vexing issue.

The person using extremely addictive drugs requires professional help. Rehabilitation can be costly and drawn out, but addicts have no other choice if their lives are to be saved. However, the road back can be hastened with a cleansing and nourishing live food diet that will help strengthen and repair drug and alcohol damaged bodies.

For smokers, we recommend certain of the stop-smoking programs as being effective choices. For alcohol addiction, we feel organizations such as the Betty Ford Clinic and others around the world should be the first stop. After going through a professional detoxification program, the next natural step should be a life change program such as ours, where one will learn a balanced, natural lifestyle which will reinforce one’s emotional strengths and gratify one’s nutritional needs. This helps to promote balance and lessen the need for depressants or stimulants.

Those with sugar and caffeine addictions do quite well on our program as the body is so quickly satisfied and nourished, especially with the alkalinizing green drinks, that much of the root cause of the addiction is wiped away.

We view all things in life in a very simple fashion. There are only a few basic principles that govern creation. One is the value we place of ourself. To experience health and to reach our mental, emotional and spiritual goals, we should make wise choices in every area of life, from the type of food we consume, to how we deal with others, and how we treat our environment.

No one can be totally independent. We all need each other, and, by being a shining example of buoyant health, we can inspire and motivate others to transform their diseased bodies into bodies expressing boundless health. This wonderful transformation on a personal level continues to benefit and influence others, constantly enlarging in scope, till it eventually transforms the entire world.


Thirty years ago, hypoglycemia was virtually unknown to the majority of health-care professionals. When people world complain of emotional swings, unnatural cravings, fatigue and physical upset, most medical doctors would refer them to a psychiatrist or psychologist. I have personally worked with several hundred people who had been down this deceptive and confusing road when their only real problem was the lack of regulated natural blood sugars. With the blood sugar level too low, the body’s pancreas would constantly “lash out” in search of any sugars to try to bring this level up to normal. Most people still do not know that unless one is born with diabetes, the first stage of that disease is usually hypoglycemia. Everyone who now has diabetes has first suffered from a hypoglycemic condition. Consequently, this disease should be given serious attention.

Through my work with thousands of people, I am sure that over 60% of the population has some type of blood sugar disorder. A number of years ago I recall that I volunteered to speak on the subject of nutrition to Alcoholics Anonymous participants in a northeastern city. I remember being extremely annoyed, not because of any lack of interest, but because deserts and sugar filled coffee were being served during the recess. One day a retired Harvard professor took me aside and asked if I understood why these harmful substances were being served. I admitted I did not, so he then told me that it was well understood that all alcoholics were addicted primarily to sugar.

Shortly thereafter, I conducted research on the chemical composition of alcohol and found that the body identifies and utilizes all forms of alcohol as pure sugar. I do not mean to dismiss the eventual emotional connection that alcohol establishes with addiction, but, let me strongly state, an alcoholics’ initial problem is sugar. This is why we see so many addicted fathers and mothers produce children who are predisposed to alcoholism.

Candida Albicans

Years ago I started to recognize that many of the guests at the Institute found their health improving greatly, while others had similar symptoms that seemed to block complete recovery. After many years of pondering this, we were never able to come up with a definitive reason. Then one day I came across a medical journal that mentioned candidiasis – and the answer to my search was suddenly revealed to me. The problem was called Candida Albicans.

Normal bacterial yeast that is found naturally everywhere in our external environment, is the culprit. We now know that because of a weakened immune system and an increased vulnerability to disease, these generally harmless fungi may invade one’s body when this happens, our cells become de-oxygenated. In chronic cases, the yeast invades the organ tissues, such as the lungs and liver and generally creates an enormous health problem. It is an opportunistic microbe that invades the weakened person. So often, when we are faced with cancer, diabetes, cardio-vascular illness and other such problems, Candida Albicans is also present and making it much more difficult for the individual to become healthy again.

Anyone who has been faced with this problem has probably heard hundreds of different opinions on what this problem is, and how to deal with it. It is becoming a very popular disease and many pop-health authorities with little or no real experience with the problem are giving bad advice on the matter. Some of the worst advice regarding treatment through diet is that the sufferer should avoid anything with life in it and increase intake of animal foods. Through our practice, research and findings with this disease, the opposite is what is needed. Imagine the internal body when infected with Candida as a dank, moldy dripping cave and you would be imagining a rather accurate picture. When one has an enzyme deficient diet, and one’s tissues are oxygen-starved through lack of exercise, one has unwittingly created an ideal environment for these fungi to multiply. The most effective way to clean up and rejuvenate the affected internal areas is to expose one’s body to sunlight and air. Through eating a diet of raw unprocessed vegetables, germinated seeds, grains, nuts and beans, along with a regular exercise program, especially out of doors, this problem will certainly be overcome.

Common drugs used as a remedy for Candida Albicans are Nystatin and Nizoral (Ketoconazole) which, in both cases, weakens the immune system, the body’s defense against invasive viruses, bacteria, yeasts, cancers, etc. The most difficult part of describing our truly effective treatment to a sufferer is when I have to tell the person that even in the best case scenario, it will take approximately a year and a half to regulate their system on a very orthodox program. There is no doubt that a larger percentage of the guests who attend the Institute are infected with this problem, and we must tailor their program accordingly.

Candida is closely related to hypoglycemia and diabetes, and this yeast infestation actually draws the blood sugar to feed itself. When you are experiencing any symptoms of hypoglycemia, recognize that your susceptibility to candida is greatly increased. Some of the symptoms of moderate candida are itchy nose and eyes, nasal drip, a congested throat, fatigue, anal itching, gas and bloating, foul oral or anal odor and a generally confused state of mind. Self-diagnosis is never 100% reliable so I suggest that you investigate this matter by locating an immunological blood testing facility that has a competent test procedure for candida.

If you wish to explore proven methods of eliminating this problem, you should attend our three week health program.

Chronic Fatigue/Fibromyalgia

These retro-virus menaces are thought to be mutations from other larger microbes which now have created a plague among the western population. In North America alone it is approximated that 40% of our youth below the age of 35 have some form of these potentially crippling new diseases. Everything from pain to disorientation on to sleeplessness and even the opposite, constant lethargy are some of the problems attributed to these newly evolved chronic diseases. First named Epstein/Barr it is now known that there is a wide variety of retroviruses that fit into this catch-basin called Chronic Fatigue/Fibromyalgia. We would venture to day that there are probably millions of newly formed microbes that your body is constantly attempting to keep under control that fall into this category. Often mistaken as severe depression and/or mental illness, there are hundreds of thousands who have been incorrectly treated with psychiatric medicines.

Observing the most dramatic cases, often bedridden, recovering, gives us complete confidence that a focused and dedicated individual who is willing to employ all necessary parts of a healthy life should never fret about Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia or retro-viruses.

The Exercise Imperative, Body/Mind/Spirit
Unfolding into wellness & Modern dilemmas 


The Exercise Imperative

Fitness today is largely considered an integral part of life. Indeed, fitness is big business with improving techniques, medical research in this area, and a wide assortment of fitness equipment. At the Institute, we strive for a full understanding of the underlying principles governing our physical response to exercise, and how these responses enable the body to become totally well. Most individuals equate exercise only with weight control, body contouring, flexibility and muscular strength. Actually, these desired results are more cosmetic and are less important than the major benefits that affect the individual internally.
The vascular system, lymphatic system, circulatory system, digestive system, immune system and respiratory system are profoundly dependent upon physical activity for their efficient functioning. On an emotional level, we benefit immensely through a reduction of stress, anxiety, lethargy and depression.
Exercise generally fits into two distinct categories: those that stretch the muscles and those that strengthen them. Both movements are necessary to achieve optimum fitness. We have found that a program of daily stretching exercises promotes optimum cleansing of the body’s tissues. A condition of stagnation and congestion is the prime contributor of most degenerative physical problems. Stretching exercises best enable these congealed masses of toxic residues to become dislodged and eliminated.
One of the worst things we do to ourselves in not to exercise. The buildup of bodily wastes becomes increasingly toxic, so we need vigorous daily exercise; thus the bloodstream can move through the muscles forcefully, carrying away these toxic residues.
Furthermore, exercise that is sufficiently vigorous oxygenates the blood, enhancing this cleansing process. The lymphatic fluid, so vital to the breakup of accumulated wastes surrounding the cells, is also activated. Rebounders or mini-trampolines are helpful in this respect. Gentle bouncing for about five minutes daily will enable the lymph fluids to wash back and forth over the cells, loosening waste residues so that they can be carried away in the blood stream. Of the blood stream as the sanitation department of the body, and we can keep it in top form by exercising daily.

The other type of exercise we should include is the type that strengthens or contracts the muscles. Resistance exercise, swimming and weight training fall into this category. This type of workout builds strength and promotes a healthy cardiovascular system. Vigorous aerobic exercise combined with resistance exercise is a strong preventative of osteoporosis, because any impact on the skeletal system causes more calcium to be absorbed into the bones to compensate for the stress.
There are close to 700 muscles in the human body. If muscles are not exercised they atrophy. Just as a variety of foods provides the best balance of nutriments, so do many different types of activities give our complicated muscular structure the workout each muscle requires to maintain a high degree of fitness.
There are so many enjoyable activities to choose from as a form of exercise such as swimming, walking, rowing, biking, dancing, running, weight training, aerobics, volleyball, golf, tennis, shuffleboard, bowling and many other sports. Regardless of your age, you can find an appropriate activity that will strengthen your heart and oxygenate your bloodstream.
Exercise, self-esteem, diet and happiness will bring a person to the apex of health. We should all aspire to a full and meaningful life experience. As we help the individuals who participate in our program to improve their perspective and activate their dreams, we know that there are truly no boundaries or limits to what anyone can accomplish. Happiness and fulfillment is always within reach of everyone who follows nature’s magnificent methods. 

Body/Mind/Spirit/ - Unfolding Into Wellness

In our work of teaching how one may attain total health, we employ several other techniques quite successfully. Massage and more aggressive body work, such as deep muscle and shiatsu, have often were proven effective. Massage affects every part of the body – glands, organs, tissues, muscles, nerves, circulation, lymph, etc. Not only does it stimulate elimination of poisons, but it also calms the mind and gives immediate emotional gratification. Steam baths and hot tub baths, as well as saunas, are also employed effectively. We have found that steam baths clean the water organs such as kidneys and lungs, while the sauna works on the fat organs, specifically the liver and gallbladder. The whirlpool gives relaxing warmth to the body and benefits the nerve tissue and bones.
Reflexology may be another useful tool in self-healing, and acupuncture or cranial reconstruction may accelerate the healing process. There is no reason to limit oneself in exploring these and many other options.
Prayer, meditation and visualization techniques are also an integral phase of our work, and we have found those techniques pioneered by Bernie Siegal, Norman Cousins, Louise Hay, Dr. Larry Doussey and Dr. Simonton of equal value.
Through the conscious application of these methods, an improvement in the body/mind/spirit complex occurs naturally when combined with a living food diet. Under ideal circumstances, the total energy available to us is divided equally into 3 areas: 1/3 in the physical area (governing food, fear, sex, etc.), 1/3 in the emotional area (governing understanding of self and others), and the remaining 1/3 in the mental/spiritual area (governing universality).
Today 91% of our energy is locked into the physic level; 8% operates in the emotional area; and less than 1% of our total energy ever reaches the mental/spiritual level of self-preservation and the satisfaction of physical desires. However, on a living food diet, amplified by other correct approaches to “Right Living” we can transcend these earth-bound tendencies and develop our higher mental and spiritual nature.


Modern Dilemmas


Another threat existing today that threatens the integrity of humanity is the scourge of addictions and drug abuse. Addiction to alcohol, smoking, food, drugs, sugar, gambling, caffeine, television, pornography, fanatic ideology and similar mental aberrations are causing untold suffering. Because many individuals find it difficult to cope with daily stresses they try to escape momentarily by using various tools. The crashing return back to reality leads to an ever escalating dependence on these min-altering substances. Our occupation with escapism clouds our view and prevents us from living up to our highest potential. A drunken stupor or an elusive high are the by-products of helplessness, fear and self-doubt. When over one-half of our children at age 12 have partaken of some type of drug or alcohol, we had better start seeking solutions to this widespread and vexing issue.

The person using extremely addictive drugs requires professional help. Rehabilitation can be costly and drawn out, but addicts have no other choice if their lives are to be saved. However, the road back can be hastened with a cleansing and nourishing live food diet that will help strengthen and repair drug and alcohol damaged bodies.

For smokers, we recommend certain of the stop-smoking programs as being effective choices. For alcohol addiction, we feel organizations such as the Betty Ford Clinic and others around the world should be the first stop. After going through a professional detoxification program, the next natural step should be a life change program such as ours, where one will learn a balanced, natural lifestyle which will reinforce one’s emotional strengths and gratify one’s nutritional needs. This helps to promote balance and lessen the need for depressants or stimulants.

Those with sugar and caffeine addictions do quite well on our program as the body is so quickly satisfied and nourished, especially with the alkalinizing green drinks, that much of the root cause of the addiction is wiped away.

We view all things in life in a very simple fashion. There are only a few basic principles that govern creation. One is the value we place of ourself. To experience health and to reach our mental, emotional and spiritual goals, we should make wise choices in every area of life, from the type of food we consume, to how we deal with others, and how we treat our environment.

No one can be totally independent. We all need each other, and, by being a shining example of buoyant health, we can inspire and motivate others to transform their diseased bodies into bodies expressing boundless health. This wonderful transformation on a personal level continues to benefit and influence others, constantly enlarging in scope, till it eventually transforms the entire world.


Thirty years ago, hypoglycemia was virtually unknown to the majority of health-care professionals. When people world complain of emotional swings, unnatural cravings, fatigue and physical upset, most medical doctors would refer them to a psychiatrist or psychologist. I have personally worked with several hundred people who had been down this deceptive and confusing road when their only real problem was the lack of regulated natural blood sugars. With the blood sugar level too low, the body’s pancreas would constantly “lash out” in search of any sugars to try to bring this level up to normal. Most people still do not know that unless one is born with diabetes, the first stage of that disease is usually hypoglycemia. Everyone who now has diabetes has first suffered from a hypoglycemic condition. Consequently, this disease should be given serious attention.

Through my work with thousands of people, I am sure that over 60% of the population has some type of blood sugar disorder. A number of years ago I recall that I volunteered to speak on the subject of nutrition to Alcoholics Anonymous participants in a northeastern city. I remember being extremely annoyed, not because of any lack of interest, but because deserts and sugar filled coffee were being served during the recess. One day a retired Harvard professor took me aside and asked if I understood why these harmful substances were being served. I admitted I did not, so he then told me that it was well understood that all alcoholics were addicted primarily to sugar.

Shortly thereafter, I conducted research on the chemical composition of alcohol and found that the body identifies and utilizes all forms of alcohol as pure sugar. I do not mean to dismiss the eventual emotional connection that alcohol establishes with addiction, but, let me strongly state, an alcoholics’ initial problem is sugar. This is why we see so many addicted fathers and mothers produce children who are predisposed to alcoholism.

Candida Albicans

Years ago I started to recognize that many of the guests at the Institute found their health improving greatly, while others had similar symptoms that seemed to block complete recovery. After many years of pondering this, we were never able to come up with a definitive reason. Then one day I came across a medical journal that mentioned candidiasis – and the answer to my search was suddenly revealed to me. The problem was called Candida Albicans.

Normal bacterial yeast that is found naturally everywhere in our external environment, is the culprit. We now know that because of a weakened immune system and an increased vulnerability to disease, these generally harmless fungi may invade one’s body when this happens, our cells become de-oxygenated. In chronic cases, the yeast invades the organ tissues, such as the lungs and liver and generally creates an enormous health problem. It is an opportunistic microbe that invades the weakened person. So often, when we are faced with cancer, diabetes, cardio-vascular illness and other such problems, Candida Albicans is also present and making it much more difficult for the individual to become healthy again.

Anyone who has been faced with this problem has probably heard hundreds of different opinions on what this problem is, and how to deal with it. It is becoming a very popular disease and many pop-health authorities with little or no real experience with the problem are giving bad advice on the matter. Some of the worst advice regarding treatment through diet is that the sufferer should avoid anything with life in it and increase intake of animal foods. Through our practice, research and findings with this disease, the opposite is what is needed. Imagine the internal body when infected with Candida as a dank, moldy dripping cave and you would be imagining a rather accurate picture. When one has an enzyme deficient diet, and one’s tissues are oxygen-starved through lack of exercise, one has unwittingly created an ideal environment for these fungi to multiply. The most effective way to clean up and rejuvenate the affected internal areas is to expose one’s body to sunlight and air. Through eating a diet of raw unprocessed vegetables, germinated seeds, grains, nuts and beans, along with a regular exercise program, especially out of doors, this problem will certainly be overcome.

Common drugs used as a remedy for Candida Albicans are Nystatin and Nizoral (Ketoconazole) which, in both cases, weakens the immune system, the body’s defense against invasive viruses, bacteria, yeasts, cancers, etc. The most difficult part of describing our truly effective treatment to a sufferer is when I have to tell the person that even in the best case scenario, it will take approximately a year and a half to regulate their system on a very orthodox program. There is no doubt that a larger percentage of the guests who attend the Institute are infected with this problem, and we must tailor their program accordingly.

Candida is closely related to hypoglycemia and diabetes, and this yeast infestation actually draws the blood sugar to feed itself. When you are experiencing any symptoms of hypoglycemia, recognize that your susceptibility to candida is greatly increased. Some of the symptoms of moderate candida are itchy nose and eyes, nasal drip, a congested throat, fatigue, anal itching, gas and bloating, foul oral or anal odor and a generally confused state of mind. Self-diagnosis is never 100% reliable so I suggest that you investigate this matter by locating an immunological blood testing facility that has a competent test procedure for candida.

If you wish to explore proven methods of eliminating this problem, you should attend our three week health program.

Chronic Fatigue/Fibromyalgia

These retro-virus menaces are thought to be mutations from other larger microbes which now have created a plague among the western population. In North America alone it is approximated that 40% of our youth below the age of 35 have some form of these potentially crippling new diseases. Everything from pain to disorientation on to sleeplessness and even the opposite, constant lethargy are some of the problems attributed to these newly evolved chronic diseases. First named Epstein/Barr it is now known that there is a wide variety of retroviruses that fit into this catch-basin called Chronic Fatigue/Fibromyalgia. We would venture to day that there are probably millions of newly formed microbes that your body is constantly attempting to keep under control that fall into this category. Often mistaken as severe depression and/or mental illness, there are hundreds of thousands who have been incorrectly treated with psychiatric medicines.

Observing the most dramatic cases, often bedridden, recovering, gives us complete confidence that a focused and dedicated individual who is willing to employ all necessary parts of a healthy life should never fret about Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia or retro-viruses.

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